Breaking Glass is a short documentary exploring groundbreaking New York glass artists Deborah Czeresko, Grace Whiteside, and Tomoko Amaki Abe. The film not only focuses on new evolutions in the studio glass movement, but on the people who push its boundaries formally, conceptually and demographically. Once a maestro-dominated field, these women, non-binary and queer artists are breaking old norms and bringing new concepts, practices and people into the hot shop. Scenes from the studio are supported by insights from new and old heads of the glass art world at Heller Gallery, UrbanGlass and Brooklyn Glass.
Premiering at Big Apple Film Festival in Fall 2024. Full release coming soon.
Directed & Produced by: Alexander Krause and Jessica Levin
Cinematographer: Leo Gallagher
Edited by: Luke Northrop, Alexander Krause & Nate Dorr
© Payphone Films 2024